Dr. Tristan Nakagawa

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Postdoc

Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (TP)


Leopoldstraße 13

Raum 1312

80802 München



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Leopoldstraße 13

80802 München

Forschungsschwerpunkt & Expertise

Nachdem ich die Dynamik spontaner Hirnaktivität und Ruhezustandsnetzwerke in neuronalen Netzwerkmodellen und Neuroimaging / & physiologischen Aufzeichnungen untersucht habe, liegt mein Hauptfokus nun auf der klinischen Psychotherapieforschung mit einem Schwerpunkt auf psychodynamischen Konzepten & Mechanismen.


Wolf, S., Seiffer, B., Zeibig, J.-M., Frei, A.K., Studnitz, T., Welkerling, J., Meinzinger, E., Bauer, L.L., Baur, J., Rosenstiel, S., Fiedler, D.V., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Günak, M.M., Kropp, S., Peters, S., Flagmaier, A.L., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Hautzinger, M., Sudeck, G., & Ehring, T. (2024). A transdiagnostic group exercise intervention for mental health outpatients in Germany (ImPuls): Results of a pragmatic, multi-site, block-randomized, phase 3 controlled trial.Lancet Psychiatry, 11, 417-430. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00069-5 [PDF]

Fiedler, D. V., Rosenstiel, S., Zeibig, J. M., Seiffer, B., Welkerling, J., Frei, A. K., Studnitz, T., Baur, J., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Kropp, S., Franke, S., Peters, S., Flagmeier, A. L., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., Ramos-Murguialday, A., … Wolf, S. (2023). Concept and study protocol of the process evaluation of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity in outpatients with heterogeneous mental disorders-the ImPuls study. Trials, 24(1), 330. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-023-07331-y

Wolf, S., Seiffer, B., Zeibig, J. M., Welkerling, J., Bauer, L. L., Frei, A. K., Studnitz, T., Rosenstiel, S., Fiedler, D. V., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Kropp, S., Franke, S., Peters, S., El-Kurd, N., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., … Ehring, T. (2021). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a Transdiagnostic group-based exercise intervention: study protocol for a pragmatic multi-site randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 21(1), 540. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-021-03541-3

Nakagawa, T., Adhikari, M. H., & Deco, G. (2017). Large‐scale Computational Models of Ongoing Brain Activity. Computational Models of Brain and Behavior, 425-437.

Hilbert, S., Küchenhoff, H., Sarubin, N., Nakagawa, T., & Bühner, M. (2016). The influence of the response format in a personality questionnaire: An analysis of a dichotomous, a Likert-type, and a visual analogue scale. TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 23(1).

Nakagawa, T., & Deco, G. (2022). Multiscale Brain Connectivity. In Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (pp. 2105-2107). New York, NY: Springer New York.

Hilbert, S., Nakagawa, T. T., Puci, P., Zech, A., & Bühner, M. (2014). The digit span backwards task. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Hilbert, S., Nakagawa, T. T., Bindl, M., & Bühner, M. (2014). The spatial Stroop effect: a comparison of color-word and position-word interference. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 21(6), 1509–1515. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-014-0631-4

Nakagawa, T. T., Woolrich, M., Luckhoo, H., Joensson, M., Mohseni, H., Kringelbach, M. L., Jirsa, V., & Deco, G. (2014). How delays matter in an oscillatory whole-brain spiking-neuron network model for MEG alpha-rhythms at rest. NeuroImage, 87, 383–394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.11.009

Hilbert, S., Nakagawa, T. T., Schuett, S., & Zihl, J. (2014). Mirror reading of words and numbers: Practice and transfer effects. Visual Cognition, 22(2), 173-192.

Nakagawa, T. T., Jirsa, V. K., Spiegler, A., McIntosh, A. R., & Deco, G. (2013). Bottom up modeling of the connectome: linking structure and function in the resting brain and their changes in aging. NeuroImage, 80, 318–329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.055

Nakagawa, T. T., Luckhoo, H., Woolrich, M., Joensson, M., Mohseni, H., Kringelbach, M., ... & Deco, G. (2013). Modeling Alpha-Band Functional Connectivity for MEG Resting State Data: Oscillations and Delays in a Spiking Neuron Model. BMC Neuroscience, 14, 1-2.

Hesse, C., Nakagawa, T.T. & Deubel, H. Bimanual movement control is moderated by fixation strategies. Exp Brain Res 202, 837–850 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-010-2189-3


seit 04/2020
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, LMU München
Ausbildung zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten (TP): CIP und LPM
Post-Doc: Osaka University
Promotion: Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Dipl.Psych. und Ma.Sc. in Psychologie (LMU)